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James G. Turnbull Past Grand Superintendent.

Malcolm R. Traquair

Past Depute Grand Superintendent.

David McMorris

Past Provincial Grand H.

John C. Donaldson

Past Provincial Grand J.

Pringle Johnstone

Past Provincial Grand Scribe E.

The late Peter Greenan

Past Grand Superintendent

Ian R. McMaster

Past Depute Grand Superintendent

David Bartleman

Honorary Provincial Grand H.

William Barr (R) Honorary Provincial Scribe E

Walter D. Thomson (L) Honorary Provincial Scribe N

Past Grand Superintendents

James Turnbull and Peter Greenan taken at the November Convocation of Lanarkshire (Upper Ward)

Bill Barr & Jim Turnbull

1st Principal of Bothwell 170 & Past Grand Superintendent

Grand Superintendents Dinner

James Pettigrew, Ian Laing, Adam McNaughton, James Turnbull

Grand Superintendents Dinner

Adam McNaughton, James Turnbull, John laing, Hugh Edmonds MBE, David Smillie

Bill Barr & James Turnbull

Bill Barr receives his Honorary Depute Grand Superintendent rank from the Grand Superintendent

Grand Superintendents

Past Grand Superintendents Edward Feeney and James Turnbull

James Turnbull and Andy Noble

Andy receives his 40yr diploma from the Grand Superintendent

Jim Turnbull buys drink Shocker

Eventually there is proof!!

David McMorris with Tom and Eddie Feeney

Picture taken at Toms installation

Ian Duncan, David Bartleman, David McMorris

Grand Superintendent David McMorris presents David Bartleman with the honor of Honorary Depute Grand Superintendent

Grand Superintendent, Provincial Grand Master, Past District Grand Prior

David McMorris with Tom Davidson and James Pettigrew

Arran Installation 2017

First Principal of St. Mollios Chapter Alan Campbell, with installing principles Alex Brown, James Turnbull, Jack Brown