Office Bearers

Grand Superintendent Jack Brown
Depute Grand Superintendent Robert Stanfield
2nd Provincial Grand Principal - Haggai (H) Gavin McNab
3rd Provincial Grand Principal - Jeshua (J) David Ross
Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra (E) John A. Anderson
Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah (N) Gordon K. McAlpine
Provincial Grand Treasurer Don Summers
Provincial Grand Chancellor Derek Murray
1st Provincial Grand Sojourner Gordon Murray
2nd Provincial Grand Sojourner Derek Anderson
3rd Provincial Grand Sojourner Andy Paterson
Provincial Grand Sword Bearer John Limerick
Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Stephen Campbell
Depute Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Allan Jamieson
Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works Graeme Cawley
Provincial Grand Standard Bearer Ian Grant
Provincial Grand Steward Albert Loughran
Depute Provincial Grand Steward Lindsay Fisher
Provincial Grand Organist Allan Gowans
Provincial Grand Janitor Vacant
Provincial Grand Committee Hugh McGurk
Provincial Grand Committee Keith Lawson